Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Face Candy - This is Where We Were / Waste Age Teen Land

To celebrate the addition of sweet, delicious text ads that I think look OK (I even looked at the source code to get the color code for the background so they match), I am going to post again. And not just one, but TWO, yes, TWO albums. I believe my silent audience will like them. I know you guys are out there, the page views do not lie. I've already hit 1/14th of my old blog's view numbers in just a few days. I'm impressed with myself.

But I cannot rest on my laurels. The only way to keep those numbers is to keep this shit up. And that's where these two albums come in. Face Candy is a side project of Eyedea, one of everybody's favorite underground rappers and some other guys who are also pretty cool, especially Kristoff Krane. Basically, it's a wonderful mixture of freestyle hip-hop with free jazz bass and drumming. It's one of those things where they combine two awesome things and it actually works to create something incredible.

Instrumental tracks, tinges of humor, sick bass and the quality of rap everybody has come to expect from Eyedea all come together so perfectly. It's like getting high fived by somebody who is really good at high fives except without the stinging pain associated with that. Seriously shit exposes me to more frission than a day at a nuclear power plant. Nevermind, that's fission, but I think you get the idea here.

The only thing that sucks about these albums is the fact that Eyedea is dead and can't make any more. Kristoff Krane could probably recruit somebody else to help out but it would likely not be the same. Enjoy!

Two Youtube samples for two albums:

 Download Links: 
Face Candy - This is Where We Were:!LI5FzLDD!VYFL8n0MkGYa9_ICg5fwIGqI2VxI1F06Yrqj9efodcY
Face Candy - Waste Age Teen Land:!6BhkAAhQ!KghPL3uoRt1nLAr24i522Xu851V2c1g0RwyRQ9ZNltk

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