Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Grayceon - Pearl and the End of Days

I'm always really enthusiastic about this blog thing when I start up one. Then it goes to once a week updates, then my blogbro and I always just give up. Well I have no blogbro to encourage myself to give up this team. I am the lone wolf now.

Anyways onward to the point. Today I bring you something that, aside from what.cd, I couldn't find anywhere on the internet. Maybe that is different now. I don't know. I didn't look because I already have it. But here it is regardless. Grayceon is a band I've loved for many years now and always look forward to anything they put out. All We Destroy was a quite strong 2011 AOTY for me and their previous two full lengths have bee regular listens for a long time (or at least they were until my external hard drive tragically fell to the floor during the middle of DnD night, but that's another story that nobody cares about).

Grayceon is one of those bands that sounds like a lot of things. You got sweet ass drumming, a mother fucking cello, frequent changes in tempo, and female vocals. Their cello player / vocalist, Jackie Perez Gratz, also features in Giant Squid (another band I adore to no end) and often they sound a little similar.

I'm trying my hardest to get through this entire thing without using a single similie. I have succeeded thus far. I would highly recommend giving this a listen if you enjoy prog metal / rock. Also it has sweet ass cover art (then again all Grayceon albums do.).
 Youtube Sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ygk6iEmajJw

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